Chanukah in Zilina 2009 - 5770 Ner micva – Chanukah is yet another traditional occasion, when we meet to celebrate a miracle of light. This year Chanukah party took place on December 3, 2010 – Kislev 26, 5771 on the third day of the Chanukah holiday. Although a traditional guest of our...
Category Archives: Nezaradené
The commemoration ceremony 2009
The traditional annual commemoration ceremony for the victims of shoa and a meeting of Jewish Zilina natives took place on Saturday and Sunday June 27-28, 2009 in Zilina. Even the world economy recession did not stop many natives to come to Zilina from all around the world, from Canada to...
Rosh Hashana 5770
Sunday, September 20, 2009 and the second day of Rosh Hashana, was the day, when the members of our kehila, their relatives and friends gathered to celebrate the beginning of the new year 5770. We welcomed the New Year 5770 already on Friday eve September 19 and celebrated it's arival...
Summary of the book part 5
There were those from among the returnees, who came for a short time only. They found none of their relatives left, strange people lived in their houses and homes. They went to other towns to study, emigrated to USA, or Palestine. Some of home-comers changed their names, they tried to...
Summary of the book part 4
Nevertheless, all steps of executive administrators were aimed at expulsion of Jews, ipso facto, getting rid of them for ever. To this aim contributed various lists and records of Jews. Concentration centres were established in March 1942 to converge Jews, officially scheduled for work. Their real purpose, however, was to...
Summary of the book part 3
Zilina between the two World Wars was a busy and teeming city. The Jew Alexander Aranyos, the author of the first Slovak tango called Dita, lived here. Women were enthralled by tenor Bercy Godstein. The first exhibition of painter Imrich Weiner-Kral, was held here. The main streets, Masarykova, Hviezdoslavova, Namestie...
Summary of the book part 2
Among the most significant taxpayers were Dr. Jozef Pollak, Dr. David Friedner, Eduard Schlesinger and other Jews. Diplomatic Corps were represented, for instance, by Teodor Ring, Emil Klein, Samuel Vogel and other Jewish inhabitants of Zilina. Jews chaired also municipal financial institutions. The first director of ophthalmological hospital became Dr....
Summary of the book part 1
Summary The publication Zidia v Ziline (Jews in Zilina) deals with the history of this community in the town up to the present day. Zilina belongs to the most densely populated areas of Slovakia, having been a significant centre of political, cultural and economic life both now and in the...
Chanukah in Zilina
Chanukah in Zilina Ner Micva – the festival of Lights – Chanukah, is yet another traditional occasion, when we meet to celebrate and chant together Chanukah songs. This years Chanukah party took place on December 21, 2008 – Kislev 24, 5769 right on the first day of this eight-day long...
Rosh HaShana 5771
The celebration of the Rosh HaShana 5771 took place at our Kehila on September 14, 2010. More information you may find at Rosh HaShana 2010 - 5771.