Ner micva – Chanukah is yet another traditional occasion, when we meet to celebrate and chant together Chanukah songs. This year Chanukah party took place on December 13, 2008 – Kislev 26, 5770 on the third day of this eight-day long holiday.
Traditional guest of our celebrations Rabbi Zev Stiefel came this year together with his brother from London. They cheered up the atmosphere right from the beginning with some joyful songs.
We reminded us the differences of Chanukah light that is lit always after dusk and is placed in the window, so that everybody can see it.
Rabbi promoted the symbolism of the Chanukah lights when even a small flame, a small light, can lighten the whole space and prevail over the darkness as our micvas can prevail over evil that surrounds us.
After the first candle was kindled with a help of “Shamash”, Rabbi Zev sang some more Chanukah songs with his Brother that filed up the room with the joy and happiness.
There were plenty of refreshments. Donuts and especially potato latkes, traditional Chanukah meal, made by rabbi’s wife Bina, added the finishing touches to the truly festival atmosphere.