Revitalization of the Jewish cemetery in Kysucke Nove Mesto continued with more works in second half of September 2019. At this stage, tombstones were first removed from clay and municipal waste. On Wednesday, 18 September 2019 eight young people cleaned the cemetery of wind dispersed woods, stones and waste and in the afternoon the machinery began to remove landfill from the cemetery (its removal also continued in the following days).
The biggest problem of the cemetery’s revitalization is two landfills which appeared after removal of wind dispersed woods in early stages of the revitalization. They contain waste from a town cemetery – residual soil from construction of pavements and graves and waste from reconstruction of graves (grave covers, concrete frames, etc.). Other waste (gravel soil) is from construction of the pavement along the local road.
The landfill disposal was performed very carefully in order not to damage original gravestones hidden a few meters below deposits of the landfill. Waste material from the landfill was separated – concrete frames, grave covers and tombstones from the town cemetery were piled in one heap and clay and gravel were loaded into a lorry. So far approximately 144 tonnes of waste have been collected which represents 50% of the landfill volume.
The landfill disposal was carried out thanks to SYTEV Civic Association which provided funds from EPH Foundation. Our gratitude also goes to YC – Youth Club Kysucke Nove Mesto (part of SYTEV CA) which organized the disposal of the landfill.
Text and photos in the article were taken from the Zilina Gallery.
- © Žilina Gallery
- Likvidácia skládky / Landfill disposal © Žilina Gallery
- Likvidácia skládky / Landfill disposal © Žilina Gallery
- Zachránená maceva, ktorá bola desiatky rokov ukrytá pod nánosmi skládky / Rescued matzeva, hidden for decades under deposits of the landfill © Žilina Gallery
- V dolnej časti fotografie sú zachránené macevy a podstavce náhrobných kameňov, ktoré boli ukryté pod nánosmi skládky / Rescued matzevas and tombstone pedestals that were hidden under deposits of the landfill, bottom of the photo © Žilina Gallery
- Odpad z mestského cintorína – náhrobné kamene, krycie dosky, betónové obruby atď. / Town cemetery waste – gravestones, grave covers, concrete frames, etc. © Žilina Gallery